Thursday 11 December 2014

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Quiz Master

2014 is/was the year of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 so to wrap up the year I've decided to share my quiz I put together so that you can test your knowledge of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013. I did this in our last team meeting over some chocolate cake (yum!).

These questions have been derived from the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Administration and Customisation Guide + my experience and knowledge so far with Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013. The questions however do not contain anything related to things like Unified Service Desk, Social Listening or Marketing.

Alright, enjoy and give yourself a pat on the back if you pass 50% of the questions.

Note: The slides will automatically change after 15 seconds.

The answers to these questions can be found here.

Other news

I recently attended the Partner Microsoft Dynamics Marketing training in Microsoft Australia HQ in Sydney and was stoked to meet other CRM'ers. I was lucky enough to meet other CRM bloggers too. Pics below.

Stephanus and I - follow his blog.

Ah zabenyahhhhh! (Lion King) - Kirsty and I

Amelia, Leon - follow his blog, and Craig - follow his blog.