Thursday 25 October 2018

Referencing a Two Option field in a Flow condition step

In my previous blog post, I share how you can reference an Option Set field in a Flow condition step. This time round I'm showing you how to configure a Two Option field in a Flow condition step.

In Dynamics 365 workflows we can reference a Two Option field in a workflow step.

As defined in the site:

This field provides two options. Each option has a number value of 0 or 1 corresponding to a false or true value. Each option also has a label so that true or false values can be represented as “Yes” and “No”, “Hot” and “Cold”, “On” and “Off” or any pair of labels you want to display.

How many ways can you go wrong with this in Flow? You'd be surprised. A true #WTF moment.
I experienced the frustration and wanted to share this in case someone else is going through this same pain.

Welcome to another WTF blog post where I share with you how to replicate this in Flow.

What did not work and what worked

Here's a table summary of the different values I tried in my expression.


For the Two Option value of 0, use false.
For the Two Option value of 1, use true.

Both are applicable to Dynamics 365 connector or CDS connector.

Tweet if you came across this post so that I know I helped you out 😁

I think this is my shortest blog post ever.

Till next time, toodles.

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